Sustainable Period Project

Providing Sample Sustainable Period Kits

Order your FREE Resource kit for your school today!


The Sustainable Period Project was designed as a one stop shop for free resources to help educate about reusable and sustainable menstrual health options. Since 2018 the team has sent kits and provided resources to nearly all Australian high schools and many primary schools.

In 2024 the program transitioned to providing sustainable period kits only. Modibodi offered to facilitate these kits out to schools who do not have a kits. The kit contains a sample of organic pads and tampons, a reusable period underpant and menstrual cup to support conversations in the class room.

Please email to order a kit, providing the following details:

Name of School:


Phone Number:

Requesting teachers name:

School Email:

Position of teacher at the school:

Describe the classes the kit be used:

Describe the educational information used to speak to students about menstruation? – e.g. class presentations from Vic Gov, or Interrelate … etc, Please provide details.

Has your school previously received a kit: Please check with your PDHPE and health departments. One kit has been allocated per school since commencement of the program.

In the future we hope to provide links to menstrual education support for teachers.

Education Victoria
Health Direct

*School or organisation must be based in Australia or New Zealand to qualify